Here is your Central Park South two bedroom facing the Park! Enjoy this spacious 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment with private terrace looking out over Central Park. The terrace comes provided with electric and water. Both the living room and master bedroom only have sliding glass doors separating you from heavenly views of Central Park from your 200sf terrace. Not to be out done this two bedroom apartment is a complete floor through which allows second bedroom, the dinning room, and the kitchen to all have south facing, city views from their windows. This allows for fresh-air/cross ventilation off the Central Park and great southern city views. The building in white gloved and fully serviced. Small pets are allowed with board approval. Washer/dryers are allowed in the apartments. Pied-a-terre are permitted. Apartment Features : City Full, North, Park Full, South, Terrace, Parquet Floors, Marble Floors, Excellent Light, Oversized Windows, Modern Kitchen, Renovated Bathroom, Marble Bath, Walk in Closets, Great Closet Space, Dishwasher Building Features : CommStorage, CentralLaundry, Water
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