Dont miss out on the chance to make this large, two bedroom apartment your new home. The nicely laid out plan includes a separate dining area, windowed galley kitchen, east, west and southern exposures, five closets, hardwood floor and lots of light. Lafayette Gardens is a 192-unit postwar cooperative. In addition to a glistening new lobby with a world-class art installation, the building offers part-time doorman, package room, storage rooms, a bike room, in-building parking (fees apply), laundry facilities and live-in super. Theres also free courtyard wifi and Building Link, an online communications system that automates package deliveries, maintenance requests, and much more. The low $994 maintenance includes utilities.Located at 181 street and Haven Avenue, minutes from the A and "1" train stations. Take advantage of the the local shopping district with boutique restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, farmers markets, pilates, fitness centers and specialty shops . Ft. Washington Park, home of The Little Red Light House, is right outside your back yard. The park offers tennis courts, hiking trails, cross country ski areas, and a bike path that runs to Battery Park. Come make this Manhattan neighborhood your new home.
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Building Features 8 Floors200 Units
part time doorman
bike room
pet friendly
2 Beds / 1 Bath - / - ft²
Total Monthly Expenses: $994
Exclusively listed with: The Corcoran Group
Paul Chapru
Listing Courtesy of The Corcoran Group
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