
Second bedroom, check. TWO spaces for a home office, check. Well! Welcome home to this Upper East Side 2 bedroom. This apartment is on the 3rd floor, not the second floor. The renovated, open windowed kitchen has lots of custom cabinetry and new stainless steel appliances. There is a separate desk/study area here as well. The entire apartment features closets galore and is pin drop quiet as you only have one neighbor adjoining your home. Facing south, you get some sunlight along with quiet. The kitchen flows into the living room which has a large dining area. The renovated and windowed bathroom is the perfect size. The bedrooms are split for privacy. 350 East 77th Street recently renovated all the hallways lobby and other public spaces. There is currently no assessment. There is a new state of the art security system installed in the building. 350 East 77th Street has a live in super, Storage units for a small fee, a bicycle area, small pets are welcome, and copurchasing is allowed. No washer dryers are allowed in the units but the large newly renovated laundry room on the first floor has more than enough space for everyone. Sorry, no pied a terre.
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Building Features 6 Floors86 Units

part time doorman
pet friendly


Sold: Dec 14, 2020

-2.38% from ask / 59 Days to Sell

2 Beds / 1 Bath - / - ft²

Total Monthly Expenses: $1,587

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